Ways to Resolve Outlook Search Not Working

Microsoft Outlook search feature is a real time saver. You do not need to scroll through hundreds of emails and messages to find something. You can simply type the e-mail address, or some relative content through which Outlook can search the related emails. But at time you face an error and find search feature not working in Outlook. There are many issues due to which this might happen, where Microsoft Outlook does is not able to search properly. It can happen because of some issue with the Outlook service. Internet connectivity is a very basic and common issue that users face. You’re application might not be updated and it may have some bugs. Another cause for Outlook email search not working is a corrupted profile. Let’s take a look at the steps on how to resolve Microsoft Outlook search feature not working.

Common ways to fix search feature:

·         Make sure you are connected to a stable internet connection. If so, try running the application in a different browser. 

·         Check for any available updates. 

·         Ensure that Outlook has necessary access like calendar, date and time, country, for it to function properly. 

·         Clear the cache from the browser and reinstall the application. 

·         Go to the menu and type task manager. Then restart the Outlook application.

·         You can also use the Windows search Troubleshooter program.

·         Try rebuilding the Outlook Index.

·         Go to the settings and check if you have enabled Outlook search option.

Follow the steps mentioned below and your search function should start working. But if you still find Outlook search not working. Restart the device and the application. Contact the technical experts for a better guided solution. 


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